
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bell HTC Sensation 4G will be available on July 5

Posted by Tux at 12:49 AM
It seems that with each day that passes, we get some more tidbits of information about Bell's launch of the HTC Sensation 4G, the Taiwanese manufacturer's current non-3D flagship smartphone. First of all we saw it already listed in the carrier's inventory systems, then Bell officially said it was coming soon.

Today we have a leaked document that gives us a clear release date and, thankfully, it's sooner than the ‘mid-July' time frame we had heard before.

According to the above document obtained by MobileSyrup, the Sensation 4G will be officially out at Bell on July 5. That's just a couple of weeks or so away, so if you're in Canada and want to get your hands on the latest and greatest from HTC, you only need a bit more patience.
source:Unwired View


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