
Monday, June 27, 2011

BEST DEALS: Samsung Galaxy Europa for £39.99 on O2 PAYG

Posted by Tux at 1:26 PM
The little Galaxy Europa only has a 2.8″ screen running at 240×320 resolution, but it is one of the few super-budget Android phones that features capacitive display technology. Which makes O2′s GIVEAWAY price tag of £39.99 all the more impressive.

In return for your £40, you also get Android 2.1, a 600MHz processor and a 2megapixel camera. Not great, but damn cheap for a workable Android phone.

Spotted by reader Hecatae, who also sent us that Pulse Mini deal yesterday. He must be in the market for something cheap. He also says there's an official Android 2.2 ROM for the Galaxy Europa available over at XDA, if you fancy buying one cheap and doing a bit of OS DIY.
source: Eurodroid


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