
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Basic flip phone Samsung C414 makes its way to SaskTel

Posted by Tux at 8:48 PM
The Samsung C414 is one flip phone that's clearly pretty fond of Canada. Or Canadian carriers. Either way, after we've seen it on both Mobilicity and Videotron, it's now become available from SaskTel. The phone is the same, so don't expect any difference in specs across carriers.

This is as ‘basic' as they get, as feature-stripped as possible, and (dare I say so) as retro as possible. The flip phone form factor that has pretty much defined North American mobile telecommunications before the iPhone still lives, apparently. Or maybe it just lives because it's cheap. Who knows, maybe some people out there would rather buy this than a smartphone.

The Samsung C414 then has a 2.2-inch internal screen, a 2 MP camera, Bluetooth, and it comes with a music and video player, and a microSD card slot that can take cards up to 16 GB in size.

SaskTel sells the Samsung C414 for $39.99 with a new three-year contract, and $149.99 outright. In between those options you can also get it with a two-year agreement for $99.99, or with a one-year commitment for $129.99. If you're interested, just go to the carrier's website here and order yours.
source: Unwired View


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