
Friday, August 5, 2011

Has Your T-Mobile Android Been Experiencing Poor Battery Life Recently? You May Not Be Alone

Posted by Tux at 2:58 PM
If you have an Android device on T-Mobile and your battery life is suddenly not what it once used to be, there may be a bigger issue at hand. A recent posting on the T-Mobile support forums is addressing the issue, which apparently arose around July 28th and seems to mostly be affecting HTC handsets, particularly the G2. While the support team says it is working to resolve the issue, they are seeking user input to better diagnose the issue. We're scratching our heads as to what exactly could be causing widespread battery issues, but questions concerning 3G/2G data modes suggest that it may have something to do with changes to T-Mobile's actual network. We'll keep our ear to this thread as more develops. In the mean time, any readers experiencing poorer than usual battery performance?
source: Android Phone


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